Cabin Park Story
Flinders Island Cabin Park & Car Hire is a multi purpose tourism business with 3.5 AADR rating T.I.C.T and T-Qual accreditation on Flinders Island. The Cabin Park provides quality accommodation and car hire. The Cabin Park is located on Flinders Island - 4 kilometres from the main township of Whitemark and only 300 metres to the main airport. In close vicinity to the park is the Bluff Track - a recently established walking & cycling track. The "Pat's River Walk" starts approximately 400 metres from the park.

The Cabin Park is set out on 2.5 acres of landscaped grounds which feature gardens that provide a peaceful and quiet atmosphere for guests to relax in. Seating is provided around the park allowing guests to enjoy the abundant bird life and the spectacular views across to Mt Strzelecki. Fruit trees growing around the park include nectarine, apricot, apple, pear, fig and olive.

At the Flinders Island Cabin Park and Car Hire our aim is to provide our guests with the best accomodation at the most reasonable rates possible.
We have set our cabins up to cater for Singles, Couples, Families and Groups with rates that still won't break the budget. Read our guest's comments on Our Guest's Page